Welcome to GOe

First Digital Gastronomy Community

What is GOe?

GOe is a new project of Basque Culinary Center to create a space for co-creation and research through meetings and dialogues. This platform—designed to engage companies, groups, and other online communities—creates a digital meeting place for members to connect, and promotes active interaction with easy-to-use tools, resources, and integrations.

GOe is project supported by the Basque Government within its "The Food Global Ecosystem" initiative.


The GOe Network is like coming home. Enjoy the diversity of people from around the world. Keep in touch with old friends and be inspired by new ones!


We are lifelong learners. Learn about new developments and trends through our database and/or share your expertise.


Life is a collage of events. From what we organize and share you can take away important details, lessons, and experiences.


The meetings can be frustrating or they can be a lot of fun. We plan to encourage the latter.

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